Compensation Cables


MICROSYST offers a variety of compensation and extension cables with various insulation GLGL oval and GLGL, J, YY, JJPJ, YYPY, JFJ, YFY, JFJPJ, YFYPY, SLSLGL, SLFSL, SLGL oval and SLGL, SLGLP oval and SLGLP, TT oval and TT, TGLP oval and TGLP, TGLV oval and TGLV, TFT and others.




MICROSYST offers a variety of compensation and extension cables with various insulation GLGL oval and GLGL, J, YY, JJPJ, YYPY, JFJ, YFY, JFJPJ, YFYPY, SLSLGL, SLFSL, SLGL oval and SLGL, SLGLP oval and SLGLP, TT oval and TT, TGLP oval and TGLP, TGLV oval and TGLV, TFT and others.